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Collect for CWL tokens monthly, collect for the ART too!

Stake for LOOT tokens in Warsaken Game coming soon!

For CWL tokens to buy more NFTs

- Legendary - 500 CWL tokens each.
- Rare - 100 CWL tokens each. 
- Special - 20 CWL tokens each.
- Common- 4 CWL tokens each. 


- Membership Edition Animalboxes - 1000 CWL tokens
- other membership- 175 CWL tokens each.


- Legendary - 175 CWL tokens each.
- Rare - 35 CWL tokens each.
- Special - 8 CWL tokens each.



All 1 mints generated artwork - 250 CWL tokens each. 


- special - 15 CWL Tokens.
- Legendary - 25 CWLtokens (blend page) only 25 


animatescene- 15 CWL Tokens


All 1mints - 50 CWL Tokens. 


Gametgnfts- 10 mints - 45 CWL tokens. 


Planet series
- with Special Effects- 95 CWL tokens. 
- without special effects - 65 CWL tokens.


Boxes - 75 CWL tokens

CWLcoin boxes - 75 CWL tokens. 


8 CWL Tokens. 


Puzzle series
8 CWL tokens


Egg series
#136933, #136926, #134827, #133333 -8 CWL tokens


Anieffects - 8 CWL tokens. 


- common NFTs - 5 CWL tokens.
- Epic - 125 CWLtokens.
- Legendary - 180 CWLtokens.


Butterfly Series 

Display boxes - 180 CWL tokens.

Framed butterfly - 44 CWL tokens.


All others not stated here - 0 CWL tokens.

All unopened packs and unblended tickets are NOT entitled to CWL tokens

For CWL & LOOT tokens in Warsaken Game

Confirmed collections (according to ranking): 

Rank 5 - 600

Rank 4 - 60

Rank 3 - 7.5

Rank 2 -2

Rank 1 - 1


Rank 5 : All legendary/coin boxes/butterfly boxes NFTs of mine from createdwlove shop that can only be bought with CWL Tokens (ongoing project)

Rank 4 ; Cartoon faces series (completed project for sale in drop - ticket has to be blended)

Rank 3 : Planet series with special effects.

Kaleidoscope (all 1 mints series)(ongoing project for sale in drop)


Rank 2 : Planet series without special effects.

Rank 2 : Glow series (Legendary cards)

Rank 1 : Animalboxes series (only boxes) (completed project for sale in drop - has to be blended into boxes)

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