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Animalboxes Series

Unpacking these packs will give you "animalboxes series".

Hodling these NFTs will give you these CWL tokens monthly.


1. Membership animalboxes NFTs (onemintnfts)- 1000 CWLtokens each.

2. Legendary animalboxes NFTs (animalboxes)- 500 CWL tokens each.

3. Rare animalboxes series NFTs (animalboxes)- 100 CWL tokens each.

4. Special animalboxes series NFTs (animalboxes) - 20 CWL tokens each.

5. Common animalboxes series NFTs (animalboxes)- 4 CWL tokens each.


To get higher rarity, blend 5 of the same NFTs. 

Unopen packs will not give you any CWL tokens at all.

Cartoon Faces Generated Artwork

This ticket is to blend one of 1000 generated cartoon faces artwork. 

It gives you 250 CWL tokens monthly for holding one of the cartoon faces. 

Unblended tickets will not give you CWL tokens. 

Planet Series

Planet series is a 24 series planet in a box collection. It's name is according to the letters of the alphabets. This series has only 10 mints (with effects) and 25 mints (without effects). They give you 95 CWL tokens (with effects) and 65 CWL tokens (without effects).

Planets A-C have already been sold out. 

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